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Mediation Attorney Serving Our Clients in Tennessee

Attorney Brad Smith, a Rule 31 listed mediator, means that Brad has completed the education and training requirements required by the state of Tennessee and has been approved by the Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission, established by the Tennessee Supreme Court.

Reasons Why You Use A Mediator

All parties may benefit from using a mediator. The first step in reducing the stress of legal issues is to use a mediator who is also an attorney. A rule 31 listed mediator, unlike regular attorneys, will collaborate with all parties to find the best resolution outside of court. The rule 31 listed mediator serves as a third party to help settle all disputes; they do not represent either party. Mediation is especially advantageous in cases requiring spousal support or property division. 

Advantages of Using a Rule 31 Listed Mediator

  • Reduction in case duration 
  • Decreased litigation expenses 
  • Avoiding the anxiety of a court appearance 
  • Confidential process 
  • Informal setting 
  • Greater control of the outcome 

Make a Difference with Mediation

Attorney Brad is a rule 31 listed mediator who provides mediation services for all general civil litigation issues, specializing in family law, real estate, business, construction, probate, divorce, parenting plans, and child support. Attorney Smith has the skills and experience to assess and resolve all disputed issues lawfully and fairly. Choose Brad Smith Chambers for compassionate and confidential mediation services you can trust.